Jonathan Woods
Jonathan Woods is a Chicago-based artist specializing in film/animation direction, improvised visual projection and music production. His early fascination with both surrealist and African means of expression has fueled a wide variety of unique partnerships and projects for over 30 years including Max Roach, Dizzy Gilespie, Wesley Snipes & Public Enemy. In 2022 he won awards at numerous global film festivals for cinematography & editing work on the indigenous-futurist film "Assaman". His Afrofuturist film "Axis Mundi '' received distribution on Tubi as part of the genera based feature length film anthology "Paradigm Grey". Additionally, Mr. Woods released "The Antidote Suite" a feature length music based film in collaboration with JoVia Armstrong. Sponsored by the University of California Irvine the piece was featured in "Holla Back to The Future '' in Seattle's Museum of Museums. Mr Woods is also co-creator of Elastic Arts Foundation's Dark Matter Series & Residency Program. Performing music as ABZyrd he has been featured at 2020 High Zero festival & in 2023 as part of AfroFuturist Weekend, an annual Alt music & arts festival showcasing POC artists. His frenetic, rainbow eucalyptus sonic explorations have been known to move booties in numerous films, plays and dinner theaters. On occasion he’s been spotted performing with other tuneful rabble-rousers such as Hieroglyphic Being, Angel Bat Dawid, Ben Lamar Gay, Edward Wilkerson Jr. and composer Saalik Ziyad. He is a member of the AACM (Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians). Jonathan Woods is a Chicago-based artist specializing in film/animation direction, improvised visual projection and music production. His early fascination with both surrealist and African means of expression has fueled a wide variety of unique partnerships and projects for over 30 years including Max Roach, Dizzy Gilespie, Wesley Snipes & Public Enemy. His frenetic, rainbow eucalyptus sonic explorations have been known to move booties in numerous films, plays and dinner theaters. On occasion he’s been spotted performing with other tuneful rabble-rousers such as Hieroglyphic Being, Angel Bat Dawid, Ben Lamar Gay, Edward Wilkerson Jr. and the late composer Saalik Ziyad. He is a member of the AACM (Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians) co-creator & co-curator of Elastic Arts Foundation's Dark Matter Residency Program & Afrofuturist Weekend, an annual 5 day festival supporting Alt music, arts & culture by artists of color.